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Drone Management Group is always looking to expand - for the US and around the world as well as better humanity as a whole.  If you would like to donate to DMG and our mission or would like to enter into a partnership, please utilize the button below, or email us anytime at with subject "Donation".

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©2024 by Drone Management Group

Drone Management Group, LLC (DMG) is not responsible for any action of our clients, or results/incidents/legal action/etc. our clients may face.  DMG is not legally liable or otherwise liable for our clients or their actions/accidents, or any other incident they may incur.  DMG operates independently of everyone not employed by DMG itself.  DMG cannot be used to defend clients.  DMG cannot and will not offer legal counsel, nor can any text written and utilized by DMG be used to pass off blame to DMG.  DMG offers information that has worked for DMG as a company and brand.  Our results are proven, but not legally binding.  You may receive the same, better, or less than desirable outcome as DMG.  By purchasing our products, utilizing this website, and utilizing DMG materials, you accept all responsibility for your actions and the consequences of your actions legally, physically, etc. DMG is not and may not be held accountable for any tests/courses you take or test/course fees you incur.

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